bring your business into the guest room

SNAPnTAP is a mobile order and payment platform that advertises your business in hotels, Airbnbs, VRBOs and office buildings around the neighborhood.

How Do You Participate?

  • Create a free SNAPnTAP account— https://portal.snapntap/signup
  • Provide us with a list of some, or all, of your services (include photos if
    available). Special pricing is always of interest
  • We will display a link to your catalog in the hotel, Airbnb, local office
  • You pay an advertising commission on each paid order
The SNAPnTAP process
  • Each venue displays a QR code so their guests can book and pay for services on their phones
  • You get the reservation request on a tablet, or on your phone, which you can accept or modify
  • Commissions are only paid on completed orders

Scan the code to see a demo

Book a demo now to see how SNAPnTAP can open new channels for your business.


Set up your account now

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